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Reclaim Your AuthORITY

In God's Vibes Matter, author Juliana Page shows how to have a heart fully surrendered to the transformative power of God’s Spirit. Juliana shares lessons about the everyday miracles that illuminate God’s Spirit, and she shows how these lessons, along with insightful journal prompts, will inspire Spirit seekers to look deeper into their own stories, empowering them to prosper through Spirit-led living.


Godly living demands spiritual maturity - eliminating the static from your heart and obeying the voice of God. But how do we overcome our erratic feelings and save our valuable energy? How do we avoid the readily available, senseless, and harmful desires that so cleverly snare us into destruction? Thankfully, we have a fighting chance if we run after the faith we somehow wandered away from.

Reclaiming Your Authority


Have you ever had the gnawing feeling that you weren’t getting everything out of life that you were created to?


In God’s Vibes Matter: Co-laboring with God, author Juliana Page shows how to identify when we are living a life apart from God - a life in which he is not consistently present in our thoughts and words. Thankfully, God wired our thoughts and words to have power so we’d be equipped to overcome every obstacle. However, without consistent exposure to the ultimate power source - our light source -our hearts are not hooked up to the provision they need.


Juliana Page shows how only God can convict and move in our spirits so we experience a change in our hearts that causes us to believe and do supernatural things.  She shows how no amount of self-help or encouragement can produce what the Holy Spirit alone can.

Co-Laboring with God


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Co-Labor With God

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Daily Devotional

Sometimes God infiltrates our cozy Christianity with His unconventional methods so that we can emerge better for it. When you make a bold decision to set your mind to believe in God’s love for you, you will let go of the life of heaviness and defeat and pursue your divine destiny full of victory, security, and success. No matter where you are at or what challenges you face, God is a precise God with perfect timing. Just like you would find encouragement and a renewed perspective from a coach, invite Jesus to an intimate chat with you. Meet with God with an expectant heart and allow God’s Word to refresh and reshape your thinking, speaking and decision making.


This 30-day daily devotional is an invitation and a challenge that will change your life! In the devotional, Juliana Page invites believers on a 30-day journey of divine encounters.  Juliana provides a prayer framework for followers of Christ to reshape their thinking and delight in the inspiration, hope, and encouragement of encountering God's presence.

God’s Vibes Matter Devotional



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