Any time you’re going to clean up your act whether it’s a practical physical thing or a spiritual thing, you have to be ready to deal with the mess connected with change.
God can handle having messy moments with us. Many times we think we have to create and present a prim and perfect life before God and man, and anytime things get messy we start getting distant.
Instead of being puffed up with pride and ego, go low and come into a place where you recognize your life has and will have mess in it.
In order to come into whatever you desire, we’ve got to be humble. Cleaning up our act, our lives, our habits and routines is going to be like cleaning the house. IF you’re one of those people that cleans up your house 1x and it never gets dirty again, you’re lying.
As long as we’re living, growing and connecting with others, we can expect for our lives, our heart, our spirit, our joy, our peace, our kindness and our patience to get messy and make us lesser versions of ourselves.
The solution—a consistent rhythm of inner development. I call it being focused on God and keeping in remembrance that God’s Vibes Matter. #godsvibesmatter
Transformation is messy, but God can teach is how to clean, mature and organize our lives. God is able to change who we are. When you and God come into agreement about who you need to become—the level of wholeness and righteousness you want to bring into the world, that’s change. Who do you want to be?
Cleaning up our lives and our spirit is what we do. We do it so that we can walk consistently in excellence and steward well what we’ve been given.
The alternative—do nothing. But know, when you do nothing, things get worse. If you don’t become an active participant in pursuing your goal, and stay committed, you will see areas of your life deteriorate. You need to become a force of resistance against that.
Get your life. Rooting for you!