We like the outcome, God likes the journey.
Have you been waiting on a “suddenly?” You know, a moment that we don’t expect and we weren’t even trying to make happen, but it does and it totally blows our mind in the best way!?
I’ve found that in life there are life defining moments and sometimes a series of “suddenlies.” These are also usually a culmination of all the things previously believed.
So if that’s the case, how can we shift from living a “lottery ticket” lifestyle to a lifestyle of enjoying the process?
Here are some practices that I’ve found to be particularly helpful to determine if you’re ready for “higher:”
Visualization-do you see that light that God put in you? Do you see yourself thriving in your dream (job, relationship, home, family)? We often get what we focus on. Build a daily practice of visualizing and meditating on what’s been promised to you. Set a timer, turn on some worship music and use your imagination.
Forgiveness-this is powerful! It’s literally like weight being ripped off of you. We don’t realize it, but often are motives are not healthy and it’s because we’re harboring unforgiveness. When we finally forgive, we realize how we can create with pure energy and show up completely different in the world.
Break Patterns-this may feel like learning in reverse in the beginning, but it’s usually the opposite of what you’re doing. For example, if your tendency is to fear, how would faith show up? The best place to operate from is from worthiness. What can you do to feel more worthy? Make a list and build this into your daily routine.
Encourage Yourself-it doesn’t take long before negativity will hit us on any given day, so it’s vital for us to learn how to encourage ourselves. The better your become at encouraging yourself, the less you’ll need it from others and the easier it will be to shake off any negativity that comes you way.
Say your suddenly arrived tomorrow, are you ready?